We have been designing, manufacturing and installing industrial equipment in our clients for more than 30 years; this allows us to have products spread over 3 continents in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, U.S.A., Angola, Cuba, Venezuela, Morocco and Algeria.
Turbo-Nor owns facilities with over 6000m2 dedicated to manufacturing; this, along with our strong commitment of continuous investment in the pursuit of solutions for our clients, allows us to guarantee the maximum performance of our products and to have respected labs acknowledging their quality.
Our mission is to create technical solutions adjusted to the specific needs of each client.
To achieve that, we continuously invest in order to provide our experienced and creative Engineering Department with the latest technologies available.
Our commitment is to be fully dedicated to the task of maximizing the return of those who place their trust in our hands.
1. This process always begins with a brainstorming session between one of our Engineers and our client; usually, the client begins this by presenting an idea and/or a specific need. 2. An internal brainstorming session is the next step, where our engineering team debates and presents ideas which will achieve the goal our client desires. Ideally our client is also a part of this process. 3. Our designers created 3D models to allow a preliminary analysis of the product’s functionality. 4. A plan of investment and a detailed technical study are presented to our client; this will help managers making the best choice for their business. 5. The final step is manufacturing the product in our modern facilities. Our clients can (and are encouraged to) monitor the entire process to evaluate the quality of each production phase.
Turbo-Nor implemented a quality management system which fulfils the ISO 9001:2015 requirements for Design, Development, Manufacturing and Assembling of industrial equipment.
Our facilities are equipped with a lab for mechanical trials which is where we test our equipment and evaluate our prototypes. Next to it we have a lab for physical and chemical characterization of the raw-materials processed in our equipment, which allows us to evaluate the effectiveness and compliance of each machine.
Turbo-Nor successfully developed and implemented revolutionary equipment such as Bioturbo System, which disinfects cork from TCA’s1. This system has been tested and approved by the Cork Technological Centre (CTCOR); TC-HT System, which removes the Nematode2 from pine wood. This has unblocked exports from Portuguese pine, because wood pieces undergoing this treatment are able to be awarded with a phytosanitary certificate.
1 – TCA: 2,4,6- Tricloroanisole 2 – Nematode = Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
In 2001 Turbo-Nor makes a big move and gets the ISO 9001:2000 certificate as it implemented a quality management system which fulfills the requirements. Between 2001 and 2006 the company develops the Bioturbo System, which allowed huge advances in the cork quality and production standards, given the high yield in TCA removal.From 2006 to 2012 our R&D efforts resulted in biomass dryers and TC-HT disinfecting- machines being released.
Until the year 2000 Turbo-Nor designs, manufactures and implements several machines which had a major impact in the cork industry: shredders, centrifugal mills, sieves, densimetric separators, drying systems and others. The two greatest manufacturers of cork plugs in the world use this machinery.In 1996 Turbo-Nor moves to its own facilities located in Zona Industrial de Vagos, around 11 Km southwest from Aveiro. These modern facilities allowed the development and manufacturing of larger, more complex products.
Until 1990 Turbo-Nor focuses its goal on expanding the dust collection market.
As a consequence of its fast establishment in the cork industry, and thanks to a unique business feeling from its founders, Turbo-Nor starts manufacturing machinery to transform and treat cork.Turbo-Nor started in 1987 in the suburbs of Aveiro, Portugal. It begins laboring in a rented pavilion with the main goal of manufacturing and installing dust collection facilities.
Zona Industrial de VagosApartado 1153844-909 VagosPortugal
T +351 234 799 410
Monday to Friday8:30-12:30 and 13:30-17:00